Bulan lalu gue baca artikel yg bagus dari blognya Christine Caine. Ini tentang masa penantian yg panjang, tentang Musa yg ketemu 'burning bush'. So, buat kamu-kamu yang juga sedang dalam masa penantian, baca deh artikelnya HERE. Artikel-artikel lain di blognya Christine Caine yang lain jg bagus-bagus koq, singkat, padat, dan powerful. Gue suka ama bible teaching dia, and it was a privilege having heard her teaching LIVE =D.
Gue cuma mau modify artikel di atas dan gue sesuaikan ama kondisi gue skrg. And let the curhat begin..., hihihi. Tp lbh seru kalo baca artikel aslinya dulu di link di atas. Ternyata ya nasib gue gak jauh-jauh lah sama nasibnya Musa, hehe. Bedanya kalo dia menggembalakan Shaun the sheep, eh domba-domba father-in-law-nya, gue 'menggembalakan' ayam dan anjing gue :p.
was in her father’s house in a small town for more than 9 months, taking care of the backyard, chickens, and Mopi &
Tesi, the dogs of her father.
was in this rainy, green, humid, back of nowhere, and quiet place that God turned
up to launch Ocha as the leader of one greatest emancipation programs ever. (Amen)
BURNING BUSH was right there in the green and humid place
could have thought:
had forgotten her
had forsaken her
was punishing her
had rejected her
had missed her
could not see her
could not hear her
did not care about her
was in the backyard, in the back of nowhere with dogs and chickens, doing something
unrelated to her destiny. She probably wondered why she had been brought to
study and take a higher engineering degree in Sydney early on in life, but now found herself
in that place...
was lonely.
It was not in the limelight.
It was monotonous, and boring (but enjoyable sometimes).
It was not in the limelight.
It was monotonous, and boring (but enjoyable sometimes).
Do you ever
feel you are in that place?
I am in that place now
But here it comes the best part.....
The truth is
we all come to that place at one time or another, but it is in that place...
1. God is
preparing you for what He has already prepared for you.
2. God is doing a work in you in order to do a great work through you.
3. More is going on than what you see or know.
4. You are learning to trust God in the midst of your circumstances.
5. You are developing strength and courage for the adventure ahead.
2. God is doing a work in you in order to do a great work through you.
3. More is going on than what you see or know.
4. You are learning to trust God in the midst of your circumstances.
5. You are developing strength and courage for the adventure ahead.
Don't give
Don't run away
Don't be despondent
Keep trusting God
Keep believing God
Keep honoring God
Keep growing in God
Keep submitting to leadership
Keep doing what you know to do
Don't run away
Don't be despondent
Keep trusting God
Keep believing God
Keep honoring God
Keep growing in God
Keep submitting to leadership
Keep doing what you know to do
Look for the
burning bush in the midst of your desert. He is right there.
He will
never leave you nor forsake you.
Thanks God, that was really encouraging. And thanks Christine...
PS. My dogs said Hi to all of you =)
till "I'm the voice. I'm no more Ocha"
ReplyDeletethank you...:)