Monday 5 December 2011


Weeeww...gak kerasa ini dah akhir tahun lagi, dan setaon ini (2011) gw kayaknya gak banyak ngerjain apa-apa deh. Tapi aku juga belajar banyak hal. Well, may be this is a sabbatical year for me. But I can't thank God enough for what He has done for me this year. His mercy, favour, kindness, goodness, and everything. heart is overflowed with thanksgiving. People might only see how easy my life was, this particular year, but God knows the truth, inside out.

Dan sebentar lagi dah mo thn 2012. Banyak orang yang takut kalo 2012 nanti bakal kiamat, the end of the world. Oh well, I don't believe that. Ini pasti gara-gara film kampring yang dulu itu. Fyi, sebenernya end of the world udah mulai dari kapan taon tuh, ini udah akhir jaman memang, liat aja tanda-tandanya dah persis ama yg dibilang di alkitab. Tanda-tanda akhir jaman nih diantaranya: people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, unforgiving, slanderous, etc (2Tim3:1-4). 

Ada yg takut menghadapi 2012, tapi ada jg yg penuh harap. Ada banyak yg pengen merit 2012, dan pilih tanggal cantik 12-12-12, secara kalo udah 2013 ntar gak ada lagi 13-13-13?!?!@##
But buat gue sendiri, gw berharap 2012 is a year of breakthrough. Though it is still unclear to me where will I be in 2012, and what will I do, but I have a full confidence in God, that He is already there, to pave a way for me, and to make sure that I will make it through. Terus terang, 2012 masih blank buat gw, gak ngerti, clueless, oblivious, but it can only means that I have to fasten my trust in God. Well, whatever you may hold oh 2012, I will welcome you with a big smile :))!!!


  1. breakthrough doesn't mean that you stop getting problem and stop fighting. Problem will get bigger and harder, but you suppose to get stronger. I think that's the pattern of righteous life

  2. sure thing, bro. no one will stop fighting until he reaches the finish line and sees God face to face, and I don't suppose the problem will cease in 2012 either. I can only say that no matter what the challenge is, as long as God is with us, we are unstopable.

  3. btw, mana postingan di blog lu lex? ato emang perlu iman ya buat baca postingan lu?hehe

  4. hahaha... blog nya aja masih di awang2, gimana mau mosting :P

  5. nih cha hahaha

  6. thanks bro! I've been checking it on. nice one, dan interface nya kereen, hehe. tapi gak bisa komen2 yaah sayangnya. ato gw aja yg gk tau gmana caranya ya
