Wednesday 5 October 2011

Forgiveness vs Betrayal

I saw a tweet from a famous speaker some weeks ago, it's about forgiveness. The tweet was pretty much sounds like this : "everyone thought that forgiveness is always a great idea until the day they have to forgive". Hmmmm....., what do you think?

I always thought that forgiveness is a great idea, whether or not I have to forgive someone at that moment. I always thought that to forgive is easy, because I know I have been freely forgiven by Jesus Christ. I always easily forgive someone who did wrong to me, and easily forget someone else's fault. I have even counseled so many people and told them to forgive. 

Yes, I have always thought that to forgive is easy, until I was betrayed by my own best friends. That was hard for me, because best friends are the people I share my inner life with. I don't need to tell the whole story, but the point is I've just discovered that they have been lied to me and I have been betrayed. It was hurt when someone you trusted has lied to you. Well, I refer "they" here as 2 persons, each with different case, story, and timeline.

But, I still want to choose to forgive. It has been easy for me to forgive back then, why would it be so much different now just because they are my close friends? So, let love and forgiveness prevail. I forgive you, my friends......, just as Jesus has forgiven all my sins.

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