Friday 30 December 2011

Catatan Akhir Tahun 2011

Hufffttt....., tau-tau dah akhir tahun lagi neh. Apa aja ya yg udah terjadi taun ini?
First, gue sebut tahun ini adalah 'the unexpected year'. Bukan diartikan sebagai 'tahun yg tdk diharapkan' loh ya..., tapi lebih ke 'tak terduga' ato 'di luar dugaan', ato 'meleset dari perkiraan', 'di luar rencana', dan sejenisnya.....
Dulu, di awal taun ini gue dah pe-de dengan segudang rencana. Lulus kuliah, balik ke indo, daftar ke UNV (United Nation Volunteer), trus dapet assignment, ato ngelamar kerja di tempat2 yg menawarkan petualangan (harusnya gue ikut Jejak Petualang aja kali ya), dapet kerja di tempat yg seruuu, trus kerja 2 thn, loving my job, trus mau lanjut kuliah lagi 2013. 
Gue dulu bayanginnya taun ini gue bakal kerja di NGO yg ngurusin anak-anak gak mampu, yang di tempat-tempat terpencil gitu, ngajar anak-anak itu, sambil menggunakan ilmu engineering gue utk membangun daerah itu, misalnya pengolahan sampah, ato pemurnian air.
Ato kalo gak bisa kerja kayak yg gue sebut tadi ya, at least gue dapet kerja di perusahaan bagus supaya gaji gue bisa gue gunakan juga buat berpartner sama pelayanan/organisasi yang fokusnya children well-being ato anti human trafficking, dan juga ladang misi *cieeehhhh, teuteup hatinya misi booo....

Thursday 29 December 2011


My random thought, and also my commitment.....

Though I know I’m getting older
and a lot of people say it’s time to get married
Until today, I haven’t met my future husband yet
or I just have not known who is he yet,
but I believe that he is a real Godly man who is worth waiting for (and praying for).
People might say I’m too picky
but I would say, I have to be strictly picky
Married is once in a lifetime decision
A commitment to love,
share my life with him until death separates us
and glorify God all the days of our lives
So, I will not accept any one less than the best that God has for me.
Although I might have to wait many more years for the right person
to share life, godly home, and God’s vision.
People keep asking and mocking
Friends around me are getting married, have got married, or have a boy/girlfriend
which supposedly created a peer-pressure,
but I won’t be pressured
and I WILL NOT LOWER MY STANDARD by accepting the first fool who come across
or by accepting any born-again christian guy
just because he dares to say ‘I love you’
No no no, it won’t happen
because it requires more than just a gut

for me, marriage is neither a destination, nor a purpose in life
It is not about me or my future husband
It’s about God and our journey with God
God has to be the center of it all, even from this moment when we haven’t met each other
WARNING!!!: Marriage is neither a solution for your problem, nor an escape from A dissatisfaction of your current condition

Friday 16 December 2011

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Edisi random. Gue cuma mau merekap beberapa dialog yg paling sering gue lakonin

A      : Ehh..ocha, pa kabar?
Gue : Baik...baik. lu?
A      : Baik juga. Lu dimana sekarang?
Gue : Disini
A      : iya maksud gue kerja dimana sekarang?
Gue : belom kerja, masih pengacara (pengangguran banyak acara-Red) aja, hehe
A      : #terdiamgakberaninanyananyalagi

Gue : minggu depan gue mau kondangan nih, temen gue merit
B     : kondangan mulu lu. Giliran lu merit kapan?
Gue : Hari Sabtu
B     : Sabtu kapan?
Gue : kapan-kapan
B     : yeaa...yeaa...klasik

Kakak : Eh, temen lu si C itu dah punya cowok belom?
Gue : udah
Kakak : Kalo si D?
Gue : udah jg
Kakak: elu kapan?
Gue : kapan-kapan (again)....

yak, begitulah, tampaknya lagunya Koes Plus, 'Kapan Kapan' menjadi jawaban andalan gue.
because, seriously I have no answer for those FAQ (Frequently Asked Question). Gue jadi udah kebal sama pertanyaan-pertanyaan yg entah udah berapa ratus/ribu kali orang tanya. Oh well, let the time unfold the mystery. Cheers!

Thursday 15 December 2011

My Masterpiece

I love photography. Here are some of my shots which I consider as 'well done'. 
Well, I am not quite a pro yet though, but I think these are quite good.

1. Sydney Harbour Bridge

Taken in Sydney, one fine summer night. No further image editing. 
Camera Canon EOS 1000 D, lens: 18-55 mm f 3.5-5.6 Canon lens
f-stop: f/10
focal length: 20 mm
exp. time: 20 sec
ISO: 100
This is my favourite shot. I love this place, I love the colour, composition, and lighting

Tuesday 13 December 2011

One Little Step at A Time

Sabtu lalu gue ketemuan sama salah seorang adik di youth ministry dulu, si Echa, dan dia nulis jg blog ttg pertemuan ini, tapi beda topik, haha. Lalu kami makan2, ngobrol2, saling menanyakan kabar kami masing2, dan kabar temen2 kami yg laen. At some point I was overwhelmed by the fact that some of our friends (who used to serve The Lord together with us) have chosen the path that we don't understand as a follower of Christ. Some chose to yoke with unbelievers, and some have been compromising with the world in some areas of life. Tapi dapat disimpulkan bahwa dua hal yang menjadi major issue nya adalah "pekerjaan" dan "teman hidup". Dua hal ini yang membuat banyak orang stumble and drifted from their tracks. Dua hal ini emang sensitif, bisa membuat orang semakin jauh, ato semakin dekat dgn Tuhan. Dan puji Tuhan, ini dua hal yang gue gak punya saat ini, hahaha :D. Perfect! But I will have them someday though.

But eniwei, sepanjang hari itu aku terus bertanya-tanya sama Tuhan. "koq bisa ya Tuhan, koq bisa", "padahal kan dulu mereka bla bla bla", "padahal kan dulu sama-sama pernah mengalami perjumpaan dgn Engkau", "padahal kan...dst..dst..dst.", "aku gak habis pikir Tuhan, kalo mereka bisa kayak gtu, gue yang tdk lbh kuat dari mereka ini pun tidak fail-proof donk", " koq bisa ya mereka mengingkari sendiri apa yang dulu mereka percayai?",  "trus gimana Tuhan biar gak menyimpang dari track Mu?"

Monday 5 December 2011


Weeeww...gak kerasa ini dah akhir tahun lagi, dan setaon ini (2011) gw kayaknya gak banyak ngerjain apa-apa deh. Tapi aku juga belajar banyak hal. Well, may be this is a sabbatical year for me. But I can't thank God enough for what He has done for me this year. His mercy, favour, kindness, goodness, and everything. heart is overflowed with thanksgiving. People might only see how easy my life was, this particular year, but God knows the truth, inside out.

Dan sebentar lagi dah mo thn 2012. Banyak orang yang takut kalo 2012 nanti bakal kiamat, the end of the world. Oh well, I don't believe that. Ini pasti gara-gara film kampring yang dulu itu. Fyi, sebenernya end of the world udah mulai dari kapan taon tuh, ini udah akhir jaman memang, liat aja tanda-tandanya dah persis ama yg dibilang di alkitab. Tanda-tanda akhir jaman nih diantaranya: people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, unforgiving, slanderous, etc (2Tim3:1-4). 

Ada yg takut menghadapi 2012, tapi ada jg yg penuh harap. Ada banyak yg pengen merit 2012, dan pilih tanggal cantik 12-12-12, secara kalo udah 2013 ntar gak ada lagi 13-13-13?!?!@##
But buat gue sendiri, gw berharap 2012 is a year of breakthrough. Though it is still unclear to me where will I be in 2012, and what will I do, but I have a full confidence in God, that He is already there, to pave a way for me, and to make sure that I will make it through. Terus terang, 2012 masih blank buat gw, gak ngerti, clueless, oblivious, but it can only means that I have to fasten my trust in God. Well, whatever you may hold oh 2012, I will welcome you with a big smile :))!!!